Let us find the right protection for you.

Death Cover - lump sum cover in the event of death or becoming terminally ill. This cover means you keep the house and not the debt in the event of death during the duration of the mortgage.
Family Income Benefit - Pays an income to your family in the event of your death.
Critical Illness - a one off lump sum if you are diagnosed with a specified critical illness, the top 4 claims being: cancer, stroke, MS and heart attack.
Income Protection - a safety net if you are unfortunate enough to find yourself out of work due to illness or injury so that you don't have to just rely on the government for income support. We can give you bespoke cover to match your employer benefits.
Protection is very important and will give you peace of mind for you and your family in the future.
Consider for just a moment if you became seriously ill your family's situation would change dramatically.
Are you aware that the average family's mortgage makes up just a fifth of their monthly spend and the balance goes on other daily living costs?